About Us - Stephen B. Groton, California Insurance

What Does California Insurance Help Mean?

I am here to help you with your California insurance needs by offering access to:

My Companies: 100 companies from the oldest and largest to the newest and most innovative.

My Experience: 30 years insurance experience and 21 years at this location.

My Personal Service:

1. Helping you with individual or family insurance needs by providing free quotes and advice tailored to you, and…
2. Directing you to an insurance company that can provide you with better rates, service or coverage, whichever is most important to you, and…
3. Writing your policy application and servicing it personally, myself, right here in this office.
4. My Operating Philosophy: Treat the client the way I would want to be treated. As fellow human beings we aspire and strive to do this. Treating one another as we would like to be treated is the most civilizing concept in human history.

My Job: As a Broker it is my professional duty to operate on your behalf. I have some specialized knowledge of insurance and many contacts within the industry that may be of use to you.

My Goal: To provide the best price for your insurance needs.

FYI: There are no salespersons here. In fact, I am the only one who answers the phone. I personally take care of you from the time you first call.

California Department of Insurance License Number 0816642
30 years insurance experience, 21 years at this location.
Providing insurance throughout the State of California.

Across Rosemead Blvd from the Pasadena DMV
On the corner of Rosemead Blvd and Mohawk St
Entrance on Mohawk St
Parking on Mohawk St or in the rear lot

Your Agent